Trop politiques pour certains, pas assez pour d’autres, inutiles ou au contraire trop faibles, les organisations internationales (OI) suscitent un débat qui enfle au gré des crises mondiales. La dépolitisation du monde décortique l’affirmation selon laquelle les OI n’interviennent pas dans le champ politique. Les autrices expliquent comment ces organisations s’efforcent de «dépolitiser le monde».
Lucile Maertens, professeure adjointe de relations internationales et science politique et codirectrice du Global Governance Centre partage ses méthodes pédagogiques.
The ecological crisis requires radical changes in the way our societies are organised, especially our systems of production and consumption.
The ability to keep an important issue on the public agenda can depend on how an organization frames the debate.
What could a country such as Switzerland achieve in the UN Security Council given the highly polarised international context?
"This crisis could mean scaling back mandates, cutting down on activities that may seem less important including for peacekeeping operations, or not renewing or launching a mission even if there could be a consensus on its necessity"
How to Keep the United Nations Environmental Agenda in Times of Crisis?
Using role-play to foster better research/policy relations
January 2024 – Op-ed in the annual review of Le Monde (in French) on plastic pollution governance.
November 2023 – Article published by the Observatory of multilateralism and international organizations' blog on a pedagogical simulation for humanitarian and development professionals, designed and implemented by students. Co-written with students from the University of Lausanne (UNIL) who took part in the project.
April 2022 – Interview quoted in the news website Equal Times on the way the UN Security Council addresses climate and security nexus. Article by Chloé Maurel, Equal Times.
March 2022 – Interview quoted in the Swiss weekly newspaper WOZ Die Wochenzeitung on war and the climate crisis. Article by Raphael Albisser, Die Wochenzeitung (nº12:7).
September 2021 – Video introducing my work on the construction of the environment as an issue within international organization, produced by UNIL’s Competence Centre on Sustainability.
September 2020 – Interview quoted in the magazine Usbek & Rika on the possible creation of an environmental peacekeeping brigade.
June 2019 – Interview quoted in the online news and information service on the UN peacekeeping operations.
May 2019 – Interview quoted in the magazine Usbek & Rica on the (im)possible reform of the United Nations.
Novembre 2018 - Interview quoted in the news website Bon pour la tête on forced migrations and displacements due to climate change.
July 2017 – Article written with Alice Baillat for the media Reporterre on the risks of simplistic narratives on the relation between climate change and conflicts.
February 2017 - Interview with Jean Foyer quoted in an Article published in "Diplomatie" on global climate governance and its limits.
December 2015 – Article published in Diplomatie on how the United Nations addresses the threats climate changes is posing to security.