
January 2024

Op-ed written for the annual review of the newspaper Le Monde (in French) on plastic pollution governance.

November 2023

Article published by the Observatory of multilateralism and international organizations’ blog on a pedagogical simulation for humanitarian and development professionals, designed and implemented by students.

Co-written with students from the University of Lausanne (UNIL) who took part in the project.

October 2022

Interview on the future of multilateralism.

Radio program “Géopolitique” by Marie-France Chatin, Radio France Internationale (RFI).

October 2022

Interview with Stefan Aykut on the climatization of multilateralism and the increasingly dominant role of climate change in world politics.

Les entretiens de l’Observatoire du multilatéralisme et des organisations internationales, podcast of the Observatory of International Organizations and Multilateralism

June 2022

A discussion with Amy Smith for The Next Page recorded and produced at the United Nations Library & Archives Geneva.

June 2022

Radio interview on the Swiss election for a non-permanent seat at the UN Security Council.

Radio program “Forum” by Mehmet Gultas and Thibaut Schaller, Radio Télévision Suisse (RTS).

May 2022

This week in International Horizons, RBI director John Torpey talked with Marieke Louis and Lucile Maertens about the trending depoliticization of international organizations and its effects for achieving results and enhancing cooperation.

May 2022

A discussion with Samuel Faure.

Les entretiens de l’Observatoire du multilatéralisme et des organisations internationales, podcast of the Observatory of International Organizations and Multilateralism

April 2022

Interview quoted in the news website Equal Times on the way the UN Security Council addresses climate and security nexus.

Article by Chloé Maurel, Equal Times.

March 2022

Interview quoted in the Swiss weekly newspaper WOZ Die Wochenzeitung on war and the climate crisis.

Article by Raphael Albisser, Die WochenzeitungMarch 2022 (nº12:7)

March 2022

Interview in the context of the French presidency of the EU Council (from 33:36) on models and politics and smart technologies to address local environmental problems.

Program “Modélisation Numérique” produced by Cerema and Acteurs publics, March 2022

November 2021

Second episode of a five-part mini-series on climate change and national security.

War Studies podcast by Duraid Jalili from the King’s Environmental Security Research Group and Matt McDonald from the University of Queensland, November 2021

November 2021

Book launch and discussion of Why International Organizations Hate Politics: Depoliticizing the World and International Organizations as Technocratic Utopia (by Jens Steffek), organized with the Research Centre “Normative Orders”, Goethe University Frankfurt, discussion by Frédéric Mérand.

November 2021

Interview quoted in the University of Lausanne’s journal on the Catalyse project, a role-play simulation aiming at building bridges between sciences and politics.

Article by David Trotta, L’uniscope, November 2021

September 2021

Video introducing my trajectory as a researcher and my work on how the environment is constructed as an issue within international organization.

Video produced by UNIL’s Competence Centre on Sustainability, September 2021

September 2021

Interview on environmental racism and unequal exposure to environmental risks.

Snapchat program “ARTE – FAQ“, September 2021

June 2021

Lecture series organized by the Instituto de Estudos Sociais e Políticos da Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (IESP-UERJ).

September 2020

Interview quoted in the quarterly magazine Usbek & Rica on the possible creation of an environmental peacekeeping brigade.

Article by Romane Mugnier, September 2020 (Usbek & Rica, nº30:47)

July 2020

Radio interview on the Swiss candidacy for a non-permanent seat at the UN Security Council.

Radio program “Forum” by Esther Coquoz, Radio Télévision Suisse (RTS), July 2020

June 2019

Interview quoted in the online news and information service on the UN peacekeeping operations.

Article by Frédéric Burnand, SWI, June 2019

May 2019

Interview quoted in the quarterly magazine Usbek & Rica on the (im)possible reform of the United Nations.

Article by Benoît Hervieu-Léger, Usbek & Rica, May 2019

November 2018

Interview quoted in the news website Bon pour la tête on forced migrations and displacements due to climate change.

Article by Antoine Schaub, Bon pour la tête, November 2018

September 2018

Fourth episode of a five part series on politics and ecology with a focus on the role of international organizations.

Radio program “Matière à penser” by Dominique Rousset, France Culture, September 2018

July 2017

Article on the risks of simplistic narratives on the relation between climate change and conflicts.

Article written with Alice Baillat, Reporterre, July 2017

"La gouvernance globale des enjeux climatiques et ses limites"

Février 2017

Interview with Jean Foyer on global climate governance and its limits.

Article published in Diplomatie, nº84: 86-90

"Menace climatique : qu'en dit-on à l'ONU ?"

December 2015

Article on how the United Nations addresses the threats climate changes is posing to security.

Diplomatie, Les grands dossier de la diplomatie, nº30: 53-55

November 2015

Interview on climate change and security.

Documentary on climate change produced in the context of the COP21, Data Gueule, France 4, November 2015

April 2013

Book review of Le Haut Commissariat des Nations Unies pour les Réfugiés (HCR) face aux catastrophes naturelles : ce que le tsunami de 2004 a changé, a book dedicated to the involvement of the UN Refugee Agency in natural disasters’ response.

“Les matinales”, Radio Télévision Suisse (RTS), April 2013

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